Not much to report! our last meeting at el ranchero was very successful - thanks to Mark for teaching and inspiring us to get involved with boy scout merit badge work! We decided that revamping the Jefferson Elementary School garden would make a fantastic eagle scout project, so currently we're waiting to hear from steve regarding if Mindy and Carl Life's scouts are at that stage yet, or if we want to offer our idea and support to another group. will let you know...
also haven't heard from michael regarding any ushering needs at the actor's guild...
agreed to bake valentine's day cookies again this year. 2/13 is a thursday this year, so we'll shift our february meetings to the 2nd and 4th of the month, also, and decorate and deliver the cookies at the meeting.
reviewed thank you notes from our secret santa sponsorees...
heard feedback from judging for the PHS science fair...
the first relay for life captain's meeting will be held 2/3. contact the American Cancer Society for more info. I assume we're going to have a team this year? any volunteers to be captain?
see the following for more upcoming volunteer opportunities
due to lack of activities going on, i see no need for a meeting 1/23. let me know if you disagree, and have things you want to discuss! otherwise, we'll plan to make cookies on 2/13. also let me know if you want to volunteer your residence to host the meeting. the carmicle's is an option, but a cramped one!
______________________ Do you want to make a difference in a young persons life, inspiring kids about science and engineering? contact Cleshea to learn how YOU can make a difference! 863-2073
_______________________ DO YOU LIKE TO SEW? A local agency is seeking volunteers to cut fabric and sew panels for dog beds. Instructions are provided.
HELP TO FILL HEARTS AS WELL AS STOMACHS: Volunteers are needed to assist with a senior nutrition program in south Parkersburg. Duties include helping to set up tables, playing games, chatting, and helping with clean-up. Your help is needed from 9:00am to noon Monday through Friday. If you can help any day or any part of a day, you are needed!
DO YOU LIKE TO STENCIL? A local agency is looking for someone to stencil their office walls. Pattern and paint will be provided.
SPEND PART OF YOUR SUMMER IN SERVICE TO THE CHILDREN IN OUR COMMUNITY: Volunteers are being recruited for a six-week summer reading and nutrition program. The program focuses on reading, writing, and art, and is designed to meet the needs of children in low-income communities who fall behind academically and nutritionally over the summer.
WORK FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME: A local agency is seeking a volunteer to make phone calls during the evenings.
BE A TROOP LEADER: Volunteers are needed for two scout troops in this area. Training is provided.
CAN YOU SPARE TWO HOURS ONDE DAY A WEEK? Drivers are needed to deliver meals to home-bound individuals between 10:00am and noon. Routes are available in both Parkersburg and Vienna.
DO YOU ENJOY FACE PAINTING? Teen or adult volunteers are needed to provide activities such as face painting on Saturday, May 3, during an agency's fundraising walk.
A variety of volunteer activities exist that can fit into your schedule. To get connected to service, register your service needs, or to offer donated goods, please call Sandy Tharp at the Volunteer Action Center at 424-3457 Ext. 111.