last night's meeting was short, as only three people were there and we couldn't get into the meeting place. BUT! there are still a few tidbits to pass on...
HELP!!!! adopt a highway is scheduled for this Sunday! Fortunately, the weather is forecasted to be BEAUTIFUL (~60-65 degrees, mostly sunny!) so get out and enjoy the last beautiful days of the year! we're meeting at noon at the remax office, 2510 murdoch ave, to watch the 10 minute safety video, then heading out to our road. WE NEED PEOPLE!!!!
we also need 1-2 more people to help with the book thing on saturday, 9:30, at WVU-P. the event is scheduled 10-1, and we need to show up a bit ahead of time to learn how to make paper hats!
no word yet on Salvation Army projects for december, cuz i've been a slacker, but keep an eye out for more information.