Due to the Easter Holiday and many people going home, along with not much new to discuss, this meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled one for 5/4/00.
In old business, Adopt a Highway was AWESOME!!! we collected just as much trash as last time (20 bags) in an hour less time (2 1/2 hours) with only one extra person (5 people total)! now that's progress! it was a GORGEOUS day to be outside (the sun burns proved it) and i think our new method of ignoring all the cigarette butts, and a better way to tackle the road, made all the difference in the world! it wasn't so bad! keep your eyes open for the next clean up - we've got the hang of this now!!!
In new business - we need volunteers! First - we're serving at the salvation army meals for one next thursday 4/27, and need one more volunteer to work with steve that day. let me know if it'll be you!
Second - Kate is still planning our first flower bed planting at city park. In a separate, but related issue, the city park's Clean Up, Green Up day is planned for 5/13. This is a big day for the park where everyone's to come out and spruce the place up. lots of press will be there for coverage, and i think we at least need to be there to put up our sign and get our picture taken that day. better yet, that could be the official day of our first planting! look forward to more from kate!
Third - the Cystic Fibrosis Bike-A-Thon (www.cycle-for-cf.com) is coming up 5/6 at the North Bend State Park and they need participants. They request $50 from each rider (however you want to get the money is fine), and for that you get a free t-shirt and water bottle. They have several race lengths - 58, 36, 22, or 7.7 miles depending on your interest, so there's something for everyone! you can register online or at local bike shops, and check their website or call 295-5467 for more information.
Relay for Life is still underway. Money will be due 5/9, so get collecting! stay tuned for more information from debbie and lesley about a car wash fund raiser, rehearsals for the talent show, etc.
Bryen will be getting back to us with more information regarding helping at the Bike Rodeo, or with the Arts Bridge arts day for mentally handicapped kids.
Finally - the local Girl Scout Council is asking for our help! They are having a camp in July and will need our help cleaning up during the afternoon on Saturday, July 15. They'll be working with us to clean up at
their camp site (which sounds gorgeous and may be available for public use - not sure) starting ~2 pm, doing general work like making sure the trash is in the cans, cleaning the kitchen, etc.