This Thursday is the 3rd of the month, and our regular planning meeting! I will be out of town so included below are the updates for this month. Please plan to still meet Debbie and Lesley at the Boys and Girls Club at 7 pm to discuss the final plans for Relay for Life this weekend!
This weekend is the Relay for Life! (repetition is good) Plan to come out and support the YVC and Local Motives, combined to form the Happy Hippies! Special events include the talent show and 3 on 3 basketball, so it's guaranteed to be a blast! Local Motives members, please plan to bring snacks (chips/cookies/drinks/etc) and your donations/entry fee when you come.
Local Motives is getting more and more official every day! we've gotten a voice mail box with the Volunteer Action Center so we can all keep up to date on the latest events. it'll also be a fantastic place to direct potential new members and keep people who don't have email access up to date. Check it out, at 424-3457, extension 222. Also, let me know if you have any other great ideas about what to do with this line!
I spoke with Jenny Keup at the VAC about establishing non-profit status for Local Motives, and she reminded me that because we're under their organization's umbrella, we're also considered "non-profit" by default. So we're officially eligible for the various grants from DuPont, JC Penney, and others around the community for volunteer groups. Keep your eyes open for these application deadlines.
Monday evening the Parkersburg Sentinel will be interviewing Local Motives for a feature article in the paper. Thanks for Jenny Keup for making this contact! Please let me know if you think of any specific points that should be made in the article, and keep your eyes peeled for the story's printing!
Thursday May 25 is our night at the Salvation Army. Steve and I did it last month, so we need two new volunteers this time to serve food from 4:50 - 6:10 pm.
Kate has ordered our sign for Adopt A Flower Garden. At the Boys and Girls Club this week, you all may decide to schedule a weekday evening for a mass planting. Otherwise, feel free to go play in the dirt any time that suits you!
We look forward to hearing from Steve about Cycle for CF, Kate about the Adopt A Flower Garden, and any of you who made it to Clean Up Green Up at City Park.
We also need to decide on a project to do for June. Possibilities include Habitat for Humanity, work at the wildlife refuge on the river islands, or anything else that might interest you! we also need someone willing to lead this project and get on it quick. Let me know your ideas!!!
Finally, It's been way too long since we've all done something fun together, so our next meeting June 1, 2000 will be a PICNIC!!! Stay tuned for more details from Scott, and be thinking about your favorite recipe that aunt susan brings to all the 4th of july picnics!!! EVERYONE is encouraged to come (as long as you bring food)!!! Whether you've never participated in a Local Motives event, if it's been a while, or if you make it to every one, come on out!!!!
Thanks! See you this weekend!