FANTASTIC meeting tonight!!!!!! This was the energy we've been needing! Local Motives is undergoing an overhaul! The subject of meeting attendance was brought up, suggesting one super productive meeting each month instead of the current two. In the course of this discussion we decided to maintain two meetings each month for now, but to add more social FUN to the mix! Let's DO more stuff! Mix business and pleasure, projects and meetings, and stir things up in general!
To make this work we're going to need to be more organized, more decisive, and more motivated, but it's DEFINITELY going to pay off in the end! SO! You all have an assignment! Our next meeting will be TUESDAY, December 5, when we'll be shopping for the Secret Santa gifts. Those of you who participated last year will remember this a BLAST! What could be better than heading to the toy store with wads of other people's money! We'll be adding a twist, though - We'll meet outside of Ceasars (the restaurant outside of Sears in the Mall) at 5:30 for dinner and everyone has to bring a friend! we'll eat for a while, and then we'll head out to fill these kids wish lists. Be there! and bring someone new!
Also Secret Santa - last year we raised $350 to splurge on 9 different needy kids in the area! We've started out by committing to sponsor 3 kids, but this is your chance to beat last year's record and raise the cash so we can sponsor more! Set out a can by the vending machines, bug your office mates, and visit your neighbors! This is a fantastic cause that brings out the best in the holiday season! For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Secret Santa is sponsored by the Community Action Program of Washington-Morgan Counties, and they collect wish lists from kids in needy families in that area, and the volunteers sponsor specific kids. We have a blast toy shopping, and afterwards we get great thank you notes from the families! Keep tabs on the money you're collecting and give me periodic updates so we know
In other news THIS SATURDAY is Adopt A Highway. We'll meet by the cement guy's mansion at 10 am. Right now we've got 5 volunteers, but if we had only 1 or 2 more it would make all the difference in the world! Please let me know if you can be there!
Leslie will check with the Salvation Army about Bell Ringing for the second or third week in December. Think about if you're interested!
Steve will talk with Debbie from the Boys and Girls Club and the Youth Volunteer Corp about a project for January.
Salvation Army Meals for One will be cancelled this month as most people will be out of town for Thanksgiving.
One last new business item - everyone also has an assignment to come up with 2 short projects or purely fun things to do at the meetings, and 2 ideas for events we can sponsor for the community that require a little bit of money! email them to me as you come up with them!
In old business, the United Way Day of Caring was a success! Super thanks to Bryen McHenry for being the Chairman for this event in all of Parkersburg! We sorted and organized clothing donations at went to Noah's Arc Thrift Shop, and painted decorations on the wall at the Girl Scout's headquarters in Parkersburg!
The Make A Difference Project with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program was also great! We got a note of thanks from them for our efforts, and it included these responses from the 50 households that received grocery donations from the project:
"God bless you all and thank you so very much, it was like a gift from Heaven."
"Would you believe I was sitting here crying because I didn't know what I was going to feed my 2 grandsons....there really is a God....Thank you so much for your help, a prayer was answered"
"These things were very, very much appreciated as my income is low. Very kind of everyone involved."
This is what it's all about, everyone!
with that in mind, i'll sign off. See you and a friend on December 5....collect lots of $$$ in the meantime and don't forget about sending me your 2 project and meeting ideas!!!!