Scott and Debbie participated in the Martin Luther King Day events at the Boys and Girls club, and reported that a good time was had by all. The kids met Miss West Virginia, listened to a really great speaker about the days of slavery, and got a tiny taste of what it was like to live in those circumstances. And everyone got cool T-shirts on top of that!
We'll be serving food at the Salvation Army Soup kitchen next week. Scott and I are signed up for wednesday night, 1/26, and Lesley and Brian will be there thursday night, 1/27. Please be there by 4:50 pm at the latest. Volunteers will serve food and help clean up afterward, being finished by ~6:10 pm. There will be a calendar available to sign up any other time you might be interested. If anyone else is interested, please let me know. they need 2-3 people to help every night.
The Boys and Girls club is sponsoring a Valentine's Day Dance/Book drive (admission is $2 and a book) for teens on February 12 and is looking for chaperones.
Keep your eyes open for sign of the bike marathon for cystic fibrosis the first saturday of every may. They offer several different course lengths, from 8 to 56 miles, and will be looking for riders to raise pledges, as well as maybe some people to staff water stands, etc.
The Boys and Girls club also needs help finishing the library they are adding, and are looking for anyone with artistic tendencies! They could also use donations of bean bag chairs, floor lamps, throw blankets, etc. A perfect time to clean out some of the old college day gear!!!
National Volunteer Week is coming up April 9 - 15. Keep your ears open for other events that might need our help....or even better yet, an idea for a project that WE could do.
Are there any computer guru's out there interested in helping a charitable organization with things like:
- 1. protecting desktops from being altered.
- 2. password protections.
- 3. Monitor the computers while they are being used and assisting kids with the use.
- 4. We need computer tutoring.
they are also interested in:
- 6. We need a network.
- 8. We need an intranet.
- 9. We need printers.
- 10. We need an automatic virus scan for all disks brought in for use.