first, and most critical, due to the weather forecast and lack of volunteers, Adopt A Highway has been postponed until next saturday, April 15, at 10 am. If you're available, we'd love to have you out to help! as it stands, i think the volunteers from last night were Scott, Lesley, Bryen, Kate, Mark, Allison, and myself. Four of us did it last time in 4 hours, so hopefully it'll only take us two hours this week! we could REALLY use at least one more, so please say you can be there!
second, Relay for Life plans are under way! Registration forms and donations are due May 9, so get collecting! We also have applications for the Luminarie ceremony where you can purchase a candle in honor of someone whos fought/fighting with cancer. Our team with Local Motives and the Youth Volunteer Corp will be the Hawaiin Hippees, so get your hula skirts and tie dyed shirts ready! We'll be presenting in the Talent Show friday night, so anyone that wants to get a little crazy with Hawaii 5-O or any other ideas, just let our team co-captain, Lesley, know! Lesley will also be looking into dates available for a car wash at the Wendy's on Grand Central Ave to raise money for Relay for Life, so keep your eyes open for when you can come out and help with that!
The cycle for cystic fibrosis at North Bend State Park is May 6. I called to see if they could use some volunteer help. The guy who returned my call said his wife organizes the volunteers. She is out of town until Monday. They can always use riders if any member of the group would like to ride. More information can be found on their website which is www.cycling-for-cf.com. Steve will supply the phone number when I find out about volunteers.
Kate will let us all know about Rodeo Day - teaching young kids about bike safety - and let us know when and how we can sign up to help fit helmets for the kids, and anything else they might need.
Bryen is looking into how we can help with the Artsbridge Arts day at WVU-P where hundreds of mentally handicapped kids from around west virginia come out for a day of arts and crafts. This project is coming up soon, so stay tuned!
Kate is our new official head of the Adopt A Flower Garden project at city park, and will be following up with SW Graphics to have our sign say "Local Motives - Local People helping Local Causes", or something similar if it'll all fit! she will also be researching the best time to plant flowers and what type of plants will be suitable for where our plot is. We'll hear from her with a date for our first planting in the next week or so!
We will serve at the Salvation Army Meals for One on April 27 and will need two lucky volunteers on or before our next meeting. if you're interested, let me know!