Painting at the Family Crisis Center was a blast, with 10 people knocking out all the work in on ly 3 1/2 hours! This was an amazing job, and the center TRULY appreciated our efforts! We'll be following this up with painting their Visitation Center hopefully sometime during March, so please let me know if you can help with that, too!
Based on our crazy time last night with the Youth Volunteer Corps, our partnership with them for the Relay For Life is gonna be a blast! i think most of us forgot what it's like to be 15 again....for better or worse! The relay is a 24 hour walking marathon to raise money for cancer, and 70% of the overall dollars are kept to help this area directly. Lesley from Local Motives and James from the YVC are going to be our co captains for the event. The Relay is from 7 pm Friday, May 19 to 2 pm Saturday, May 20. Help will be needed friday afternoon to set up. Participants are asked to collect $200 in pledges, but there is no minimum, aside from the team entry fee. We are considering hosting a car wash, and selling tarot card readings during the relay to raise money in addition to pledges. Participants will get a Tshirt and disposable camera with free film developing to remember the event. Donations are due by approximately May 1, so start collecting! The captains will meet 3/21 with the overall committee for more details. Start collecting pledges!
The All Seasons Outdoor Club in Parkersburg is sponsoring a presentation by Andy Politz, a member of the expedition that searched (and found!) Mt. Everest for legendary climber George Mallory's body (he's the one who said he wanted to climb Everest "because it's there") and gather clues about whether they actually had summitted the mountain almost 30 years before Sir Edmund Hillary and crew made it. (see (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/everest/lost/ for more details on the search) Local Motives is supporting the presentation, passing out raffle prizes, and hosting a table in the back to gather membership and advertise our organization. Please come out to hear this amazing story, and show support for our organization. I've gotten a brochure ready, Scott made a sign up sheet, and Amy's making us a poster, so now all we need is all of you there to entice new members. This is a GREAT opportunity! The show is free and open to the public, on March 16, at the WVU-P Activities Room. The first presentation will be at noon, with a second following at 7 pm, and finishing by 9:30 pm.
The group decided on a site for Adopt a Flower Bed with City Park. If the fountain is the bottom part of a "Y", and the trails running along Park Ave and 17th St, the arms of the "Y", our flowers will be right in the middle of the arms (some engineers would call it the vertex) so keep an eye out for our sign! and even better, get your green thumbs warmed up, and get ready to grow! Are there any gardeners out there who'd like to direct this project, deciding when we should plant, etc?
Our ongoing commitment with the Salvation Army Meals for One program is in full swing. Maria and i worked the February shift, and we need some takers for March 23. Sign up!
Scott talked with the people at the juvenile center he worked with before, and found out that they're looking for a constant commitment, bigger than we can support, so that project is off our list.
Our next Adopt a Highway is going to be Saturday, April 8. WE NEED YOUR HELP DESPERATELY!!! There were at least 7 of us at the meeting when we decided we could handle this project, but only 4 volunteers at the last clean up. PLEASE HELP!!!!