YUMMM!!!! the cookout was awesome! thanks to everyone for the great food!
First things first - this saturday at city park is the Walk Your Paws for the humane society. Dogs and their owners are to register between 8:30 and 9:45 am, for the walking marathon that begins at 10:00 am. Call Christy at 863-2504 to get information or if you'd like to donate money to this great cause!
Attention Gardeners! we've planned a planting at our Adopt A Flower Garden plot! If you've ever wanted to know anything about gardening, come on out and learn....hopefully allison can teach us all we need to know! We'll be planting at 8 am on Saturday, June 10. Meet at the big fountain in the park. Mark will contact local nurseries to get suggestions on what we plant for a cheap, but nice year round garden, and hit them up for discounted or free flowers since we're a non-profit organization helping the city park. On that morning we'll all plan to meet at 8 am, then some will stay there and do weeding and mulching work, while others go to buy the flowers.
We're also looking into holding a fund raiser to defray the costs of buying the flowers. Possibilities are a garage sale or car wash right now. Let us know if you have any other ideas! Gene gave us a great one - taking pictures at an event like the Walk Your Paws, with the pet and owner for example, taking the shots to a 1 hr development place, and then selling them to people while they're still there. it's a GREAT idea and we'll have to look out for other events we could try it at!
The Annual River Sweep clean up is Saturday, June 17 from 8:30 to 10:30 am. Contact Chris at the voice mailbox to sign up.
In old business, we had a great time at Relay for Life. Overall, the event raised approx. $350,000 for the fight against cancer. Local Motives and the Youth Volunteer Corp had a strong showing (for our first year!) at ~$350. Great job!!!
The Youth Volunteer Corp also helped us meet our committment with the Salvation Army Meals for One last thursday evening. it was a new experience for them, and they LOVED it and plan to go back!
As usual, check our website for information, and now you can also call our voice mailbox for upcoming project information and to leave a message with questions or comments. Thanks! see you all June 10!!!