We must be growing!!! we had an unheard of number of people at the meeting and got a lot accomplished, so here we go!
First, we weeded and mulched the garden, and it looks AWESOME!!! one of the best gardens in the park! Thanks to all who've worked on it!
Adopt A Highway was scheduled for saturday morning at 8 am, with 8 volunteers expected. lightning speed should be achieved, so stay tuned for an update!
We're going to have a great yard sale! everyone, be cleaning out your closets and under that scary bed! we're going to sell it ALL on saturday, august 26 at Kate and Bryen's house on Dickle st. by the park! Everyone will be responsible for pricing and marking their own stuff. At the next meeting be ready to make posters and have a list of what's to be sold so we can put it in the classifieds, so start cleaning!
Bryen told us about the United Way's Day of Caring approaching on October 10, 2000. This is an event where wish lists are gathered from various local agencies regarding work they'd like to have done. On that day volunteers from all around work to meet their wishes! Check with your supervisor to find out whether they'll support such a good cause by allowing you to take the day off of work without taking a vacation day!
Habitat for Humanity was pushed back until September, with both the Yard Sale and Adopt a Highway going on in August. We'll schedule this for a day after work, to be more convenient for everyone.
The All Seasons Outdoor Club is intending to plan some weekend "volunteer vacations", doing things like trail maintenance at state parks, etc. Response from Local Motives was great regarding getting involved in this. We'll look forward to hearing more! In the meantime, the Appalachain Trail Club and Friends of the Cheat were mentioned as two organizations that already do things like this if you're ready to go NOW!
Finally, we considered the DuPont Volunteer Recognition award application. We decided to enter as a team of the consistent members from DuPont and mention that the group also includes many members from around the community. We discussed what we could do with the money, and ideas were:
- donating the entire amount to a local family in need
- sponsoring a college scholarship
- sponsoring a "campership" sending a kid to camp (maybe someone from the Arc, or someone who just doesn't have the money)
- Relay for Life
- Secret Santa
- the Lou Gehrig's Disease fund
- splitting the money for 4 events throughout the year
We'll keep brainstorming, and talk to some local agencies about their needs and ideas. I'd like to see us really do something exciting with the money - hopefully instead of supporting someone else's event, actually sponsoring our own. Ideas welcome!