300+ cookies baked, decorated, wrapped, and delivered in under 3 hours to anxious eaters at the Senior Alzheimer Program! SUPER THANKS to the 10 volunteers (including a record 5 non-Duponters) who helped out by baking cookies ahead of time, bringing stuff, and doing the decorations!
We got a thank you note from the Arc for our shopping efforts, and the Salvation Army for bell ringing.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, February 14, Lesley, Julie, and Craig will be reading to kids at the Parkersburg Library from 7 - 8 pm.
Thursday, March 1 at 7 pm we'll get together at the Super China Buffet for dinner and to discuss Relay for Life.
Sunday, March 11 from 2 - 6 pm the Arc will be having a work day at their two thrift shops to pull winter items from the racks and replace them with spring items. They'll need 15 volunteers total, so if you're interested either let me know or call Noah's Arc Thrift Shop at 422-2591.
Action Items
Julie - contact Relay for Life about potential partner groups
Steve - contact Debbie about how her youth group is doing and if they're interested in working with us.
Chris - contact the volunteer action center and ask if the youth volunteer corp is still in existence and interested in working with us.