China Buffet for the March meeting worked out to be a great choice! Thanks for choosing it! Hopefully the next meeting, March 15 at Olivers in Marietta at 7 pm will be as good!
Action Items
*Everyone - let me know if you are INTERESTED (no commitment) in walkingfor us in Relay for Life with the Arc on May 18/19
*Michael - check with the ARC about partnering with us for the Relay for Life
*Scott - make plans for April Habitat for Humanity Project
*Emily - check with City Park to renew our site and find out date for Clean Up Green Up
*Steve - check local motives phone messages at least once/wk
*Chris - send Steve information about phone system
*Chris - try to find alternate sources of $$$ to pay for brochures
New Business
Have a prototype of the new brochure design. will cost $233.18 for 500; $279.38 for 1000. Discussed purchasing and decided we should investigate how much time we expect it to take to distribute 500 and base the decision from that.
Still looking for partner group for Relay for Life. the Youth Volunteer Corp exists in name only, and does not have active leadership right now. Michael suggested that we partner with the Arc, doing laps with the clients as buddies. It would be an excellent socialization and exercise program for the clients, and would be a great way for us to learn about their organization. this would also be a great goal to motivate them in their buddy walking program. Michael is looking into the feasibility of this project.
if we DO do relay for life with the Arc, we need people to commit to being walkers for that weekend. please let me know ASAP if you are interested!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 11 from 2 - 6 pm the Arc will be having a work day at their two thrift shops to pull winter items from the racks and replace them with spring items. They'll need 15 volunteers total, so if you're interested either let me know or call Noah's Arc Thrift Shop at 422-2591.
See you March 15 at Oliver's!