Excellent shopping work ladies and gentlemen! although we learned the dangers of Sam's Club on our personal wallets, we bought $200 worth of various toothpaste, laundry detergent, and soaps in general for the Arc of Wood County, and paper products for the Mid Ohio Valley Fellowship Home. Thanks to Brian for working with the agencies and putting together our shopping list!
We will be making Valentine's Day Cookies and decorating them for the Senior Alzheimers Program. We need ~5cookies/person*50 people = 250 cookies, or 21 dozen, so we need bakers! Please let me know immediately if you are willing to provide ANY cut out cookies at all! we'll divy up the total depending on how many volunteers we cook up, so let me know!
We will decorate on Monday, February 12, at 6 pm, and obviously need all the help we can get. We will call the Family Crisis Center a few days before that to find out if the women staying there at that time are interested in helping to decorate. Based on their answer we will either have the decorating session there or at my house. I have serving plates, 2 cans of vanilla icing, 2 cans of chocolate icing, cinnamon candies, and candy message hearts. If you would like to decorate with other things, please bring them along! We will also need plastic wrap and valentines if we want to go all out and let them know who the cookies are from.
The Alzheimers program is also always looking for entertainment, so if any of you play an instrument or anything, they'd love to have you!
Lesley's still getting information about reading for kids at the library.
Brian also learned that the Mid Ohio Valley Fellowship Home is also always interested in readers, so perhaps we could schedule a project for there sometime, either in addition to or instead of the library. it'd be an easy project!
The next meeting will be next thursday, 2/1/01, at 7pm - getting back to the first and third of the month. Since i still haven't gotten any suggestions for where to eat dinner, it'll be a vote! the choices are The Outback again, East of Chicago Pizza (marietta) or El Ranchero (parkersburg).