We met out at the Simmons Farm for our last meeting. Thanks to Michael & his family for having us!!
Weekend Events 1. For those of you that check your email on Saturday, Marietta is having Fireworks for their regatta tonight (9/8/01) Festivites start at 10 PM. 2. The Pirates of Pinzantz is being performed at the Smoot Sunday Sept 9 at 3 PM
New Items 1. Chris got the fliers for Local Motives replicated. We folded the fliers and have elected to each take a few and post them out in our communities for LM exposure. Kate is taking the fliers to Irene/Denise at DuPont to give out to new employees.
2. Lend Me a Tenor is playing at the Smoot. Michael is looking for volunteers to help usher the event. Dates are Sept. 22, Sept 28, 29, 30. Kate, Steve, Julie, and Emily have volunteered to date. No shorts/jeans for the event and please contact Michael at Michaelsimmons@vote4gop.org if you would like to participate. Most performances start at 8.. please be there at 7 PM. Michael will be calling to remind each of us.
3. Habitat For Humanity Brian is going to check with the Habitat folks for us to volunteer on a weekday after work. He will relay the information out to us when he gets it.
4. Tutoring at PHS --- Volunteers are needed to help out in algebra, geometry, chemistry, biology, physics. It's one hour a week on a school night somewhere in the 5-8 PM timeframe and meet at the Parkersburg Library in Vienna. If you are willing to help, please contact Donna Siebold email: donna.siebold-1@usa.dupont.com or 304-863-4528
5. Parkersburg Homecoming August, 2002 Fundraising Opportunity. The CSX lot needs parking assistance for Homecoming. It's the 20th Anniversary of the event in Pburg. This is a good opportunity for easy fundraising, but we need people to help out with taking money at one of the local parking lots. We have estimated roughly 33 hours where at least a couple people man the lots. LM is not big enough to take on this type of event, but we thought it would be a good opportunity to share the proceeds with another non-profit organization.. Scott will talk to Jeff about the Fire Dept. to see if they're interested, and we have also thought about another Fire Dept. as well as PSHS Band Boosters. Please let me know if you know of group that might be willing to help out. We need to tell Jenny Keup ASAP.6. I turned in the DuPont Volunteer Recognition Form for Local Motives to potentially win $1000 in August.