For what it's worth, if you're ever looking for a new place to eat in Marietta, check out Olivers'!!! (if you can find it, that is!)
Action Items
*Emily - notify local newspapers, radios, etc. about upcoming meetings/events.
*Chris - get Emily contact names
*Steve - try out voicemail system again
*Chris - contact Dawn Jackson about the Fun with Science program
*Chris - check out alternate sources of funding for the brochures.
Upcoming Events
*Saturday, March 17 - 9am - 4pm - Volunteering at the Marietta Humane Society. Need help playing with the puppies and kitties, as well as stacking and sorting dog food, taking dogs for walks, fixing lawnmowers and weedeaters, cleaning cages, etc.! they're in desperate need for help, so even if you can't go this weekend we'll probably plan a project there soon.
*March 20, 530 pm - Relay for Life Captains Meeting. Julie Johnson will be representing us in our partner effort with the ARC. Contact her if you want to help! Only have 3 people committed to walk that weekend - Michael, Brian, and Chris. Let me know if you'll make it!
*Friday night (6pm) /Saturday March 30 - Rockin' Lock In - On Friday, March 30, starting at 6pm, up to 60 youth 11-18 years old (grades 6-12), will come together for an all night jam session, Rock-n-roll Jeopardy, form their own band, or start learning an instrument, then can make their own band t-shirts & buttons, and a limo ride. To meet a kids to adult ratio of 5:1, they need help finding chaperones. Contact Debbie Lawson at 740-376-9533 or email
*Saturday March 31 at 900 am - Adopt A Highway. Shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours for a great cause! let me know if you can help ASAP!
*April 21 - Habitat for Humanity. Look forward to more details
*April 21 - Battle of the Bands - Contact Debbie Lawson for more details about this event - all bands are required that at least half of their members still be in high school or younger!
*Saturday May 12 - Clean Up Green Up for our Adopt a Flower Garden plot in the City Park. Stop by and check out our early blossoms!
*Last Saturday in May - Young Engineers and Scientists fair at Marietta College - great opportunity to spark an interest in a young person!
Old Business - Brian helped out at the Noah's Arc Thrift Shop clean up on Sunday March 12, getting first dibs on their greatest donations!
New Business - discussed fancy, eye catching, professional looking brochures vs. cheap nice photocopy-able brochures. Cost from Sir Speedy is ~$280 for 1000 of the gorgeous brochures designed by Salter and Associates. Great price, but still uses up ~1/3 of our total budget - quite a lot for one project that doesn't contribute to the community. No decision finalized.
That's it! See you at Adopt A Highway!!!!!!