This is it!!! We've officially become Team Vitamin C, supporting (hopefully true!) research suggesting vitamin c helps to prevent cancer! See the site map to find our team, listed for now as Local Motives/Arc. Wear all of your orange clothes at once, drink lots of OJ, and we'll see you there!
Steve - Can you borrow Debbie's (or anyones?) tiki torches?
Brian - Bring along all the vests and garbage bags you can gather from adopt a highway!!!
Upcoming Events
Very Special Arts - Next thursday (5/24/01) 691 kids with special needs from surrounding counties will converge at WVU-P for a day of artistic fun! The day will involve 11 hands on crafts booths, 11 demonstrations about stuff like kayaking and celtic dancing, 10 longer workshops to do more in depth art, Entertainers throughout the day, and lots more! Volunteers are needed to man the booths from 830 am till 230 pm, as well as to clean up afterward from 230 -4 pm. Contact Maralu Barron ( if you can help out with anything at all!
Our next meeting will be thursday june 7 at 7 pm. send me your ideas for locations!!!
See you this weekend!