Upcoming Activities
*Cookie Decorating for the Senior Alzheimers program - Monday, February 12, 6 pm, place to be announced. Lesley, Julie, Steve, Emily, Jeff, Scott, and Chris will each bring 45 cutout cookies and 1 can of icing to the decorating. That'll leave us with 65 cookies to, um, leave room for decorating mistakes! We have a bag of candy hearts, a bag of red hots, food coloring and paper plates. Bring other decorations as you get motivated!
*Read to your Child Day - Parkersburg Library, 7 - 8 pm on February 14. Need 2 people to read pre-picked out childrens stories with Lesley. Sign up with Lesley or I ASAP.
Adopt A Highway - March 31 cleanup. WV Adopt A Highway is holding a contest to find a new Mascot. No computer generated entries are allowed. Deadline to enter is May 1, 2001, and the winner will receive $200. Any artists or inspired people out there?
April - Habitat for Humanity.
Relay for Life - May 18-19. Looking for partner group, preferrably kids. Suggestions welcome!
Old Business
Savation Army - sending Thank you note. Will read at next get together.
Bought $200 in paper products and various soaps and cleaning supplies to hold over the Arc and Wood County Fellowship homes through this after Christmas slow donation period. Thanks to Brian for organizing the effort and to everyone who was there for doing the shopping!
No meeting on the third thursday of February, with decorating and baking delivering and reading also going on that week. Our next dinner outing will instead be the first thirsday in march. happy baking!