Thanks for the great turnout!!! We hope to see you all at the next meeting!
***We have received the DuPont Volunteer Recoginition grant for $1000 to help with our activities.
1. Decided that in the spring that we would help out with a new garden near Jefferson Elementary. Steve would be in contact with Brianna.
2. Nov 17 is clean up Quincy Park Day
3. Michael needs help ushering with the Parkersburg Actor Guild "Honky Tank Angels" playing in November.
4. Henderson Hall north of Parkersburg on Rt. 14 is opening up their doors for a Victorian Christmas on 12/13/01 (Thursday). Tickets are $10 each. Light appetizers will be served. If you might be interested in buying tickets, selling tickets, manning rooms, or help parking cars, please contact us. All proceeds are going to help fund Christmas gifts for the ARC consumers.
5. Local Motives donated $ 400 to the ARC to help support their Christmas fundraising.
6. The Salvation Army is collected clean, slightly used childrens jackets for the holidays.
7. Does anybody have a potential group to help out for the Pburg homecoming parking next August?
8. Relay for Life is beginning to form teams for 2002. Potential Cpt. Meeting 11/12/01 @ 530 PM at the Dils Center Is anyone interested in being our team captain this year?
Action Items
1. Julie -- Call Habitat for Humanity ? Washington County
2. 11/11/01 2 PM Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up Come out & help the community! Our spot is on Rt. 14 (Grand Central) up in Vienna. We meet across from the big mansion near 51st street.