Upcoming Events:
NOVEMBER 11!!! Quincy Park - Noon-3 planting daffodils and cleaning up the park, with a get together afterward at the VFW with FOOD!!!
12/6/01 - The Community Action Program of Washington and Morgan Counties are sponsoring a Secret Santa program! The have a list of ~1000 kids in these counties (ohio, near marietta) who are in need this Christmas. They provide us with a specific child's first name, age, their various sizes, and a list that THEY wrote out of things they'd like for Christmas, then we get to SHOP!!! In 1999 we supported 6 kids with $350, in 2000 thanks to fantastic donations from Kraton Polymers and others in the area we were able to spend $500 for 10 kids, and this year we hope to do more! What you can do: Donate $$$, collect it from people around you, or SHOP!!! We'll meet on 12/6/01 at 5:30 pm at Grand Central Mall in the Food court and divvy up the list, then hit the stores. See you there!!!
12/9/01 - ARC Christmas party for ~150 clients, 6-8 pm. What you can do: Donate a dessert (no cookies, though)! (take it to the Knights of Columbus by 5:30 pm on 12/9), or come help serve the lasagna dinner and enjoy the DJ and dance afterward!!! Be at the Knights of Columbus, and contact Michael for more details at Michaelsimmons@vote4gop.org.
12/11/01 - ARC Christmast for Clients - each year the ARC provides Christmas presents to their needy clients. What you can do: Sponsor a client! give $40, or a check payable to the ARC of Wood County to your favorite Local Motives member, or to the ARC directly, at the DILS center downtown. OR, you can help shop and wrap presents by meeting at the DILS center, on the second floor, at 5:15 pm. The festivities start off with shopping at Kmart, then wrapping continues on into the night until the work is done! Come for as much time as you can afford - Pizza is provided, and what's better than shopping with someone else's money!
12/13/01 - Victorian Christmas at Henderson Hall on Boaz, 6-9pm! Tour this civil war era plantation home in all of it's victorian holiday splendor, knowing that the proceeds will go to sponsor the ARC. Refreshments and entertainment is included for the $10 ticket. What you can do: Take the tour! Tickets available at the door! OR, you can help park cars, or be a room monitor to help watch over the house's precious antiques! Volunteers are needed, so let me know if you can help!
12/19/01 (Tentative!!!) - Bell Rining with the Salvation Army - will let you know more later!
Old Business:
Adopt a Highway went great! 4 people, 8 bags of trash, all in only a little over 1 hour!!!
Other Business:
Look forward to a social function in the next few weeks! Julie's looking into Country Line Dancing - so if you have any other suggestions, please send 'em this way!
Steve has agreed to be our Relay for Life team captain this year! (thanks steve!!!!!) he's got fund raising ideas - some to start now, and some for our consideration later. Captain D's sponsors $35 worth of coupons for only $5, with 100% of the proceeds going to Relay for Life. Contact steve to get a coupon pack - learn@frognet.net. Other possibilities for the future include Selling $1 candy bars (50 ct. profit), and Selling American Cancer Society $5 Beannie Babies ($3 profit). let us know if either of these excite you!
have a great weekend and holiday coming up! See this weekend at Quincy Park, and at our next meeting - shopping at Grand Central Mall on 12/6 at 5:30!!!