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July 18, 2002

Talk about weeds! yipes! great job to those of you who were there to help out with the flower garden at city park!

Old Business: Steve, Monique, and Scott received prizes for the money they raised for relay for life! Congratulations and Thanks!!!!

New Business:
Karaoke party (no singing and dancing required on our part) this saturday 7/20/02 at the Washington County Home in marietta, 9:30 - 10:30. Music will be provided (karaoke's greatest hits, elvis karaoke, etc.), so all we need to bring is a few bodies who are interested in brightening up the someone's day! so far i have craig, scott, and chris signed up. let me know if anyone else is interested. Directions: Go to Marietta on rt 77, when getting off the highway, turn away from town and go past walmart and out toward the mass of car dealerships. this is rt 7. before the Rich Gas station on the left, turn left onto County House Lane. Follow this road ~2 miles and you'll see the big brick county home on the left. Be there at 9:15 am.

Parkersburg Homecoming is the weekend of August 15-18. We need volunteers for 2 events: Local Motives has responsibility for staffing the CSX parking lot for a fund raiser during Homecoming. We will be sharing this with the boy scouts, profits divided per manhours worked. we need people to begin committing to working hours asap. The shifts will be (tentative for now) Thursday and Friday 5-10 pm, Saturday 10am-2pm, 2-6pm, 6-11pm, Sunday noon-3pm, 4-7pm, and 7-10pm. We need at least 5 people per shift, with extras on saturday evening.

Also, volunteers are needed to keep time for the half marathon beginning at 7:30 am. stopwatches and free t-shirts will be provided for all volunteers. contact Mike Lewis, 485-0440 if interested. Emily and Steve mentioned interest.

Faithlink is looking for volunteers to "adopt" an elderly person and help them with lawn and housework. contact Laura at faithlink2@juno.com.

St Joes Hospital is looking for volunteers to staff the help desk on wednesday and thursday evenings. contact Emily at ebyrer@hicksoutdoor.com

Any school-aged kids are probably familiar with the Zoom tv program on PBS, introducing kids to science and engineering through cool experiments like egg bungee drops and gumdrop buildings. This is a fantastic program we could bring to local schools, boy scout troups, 4-h clubs, etc. Let me know if you have any interest in using the materials, or ideas on new local motives projects involving this.

Michael's still looking for ushers for Annie at the Actor's Guild - Friday and Saturday shows require ushers to be there by 7PM, Sunday shows by 1:30 in the afternoon. contact Michael (gowestvirginia@yahoo.com) to sign up! 7/26 Fri 7/27 Sat 8/02 Fri 8/03 Sat 8/04 Sun 8/09 Fri 8/10 Sat 8/11 Sun 8/16 Fri 8/17 Sat

Our next meeting will be 7/25/02, 5:30 pm, at Adventure Pursuits (directions later), where we'll help paint fences and do general grounds maintenance, and hopefully save time for some swimming and kayaking when we're done!

Thanks! don't forget - we need your help this saturday at the Washington County Home!!!