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November 21, 2002

Thanks to steve for being meeting leader!!!  Let me know if you're interested in any of the following Local Motives activities, or contact the agencies directly for the other opportunities!

Tuesday 12/3 we will do the Secret Santa shopping to make Christmas bright for 10 area kids! Collect as much money as you can from various people, and then meet at the food court at the mall. Local Motives will also kick in some money, the amount to be determined after confirming current account balances.

Local Motives will also help to serve dinner until ~6:15 pm, at the Arc christmas dinner and dance at the Knights of Columbus, December 8 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM.

Mary brought forms to fill out to be Merit badge counselors for the Boy Scouts.  She is going to try to get a list of Merit badges and requirements.

The second week of December the Arc will be shopping and wrapping presents for their Secret Christmas project.  Those of you who helped last year will remember that this was a blast!  They still need 32 more sponsors at $40 each, or people can request wish lists, do their own shopping and wrapping and just drop gifts off to The Arc office.

On December 1 from 4 - 8 PM the Arc will sponsor a a Holiday Tour of Homes in the historic district.  Tickets are $3.50 each or 3 for $10.  Available at each house or in advance from The Arc.

As you can see from the following list - Volunteer needs for the holidays are HIGH!  please come out and get involved! Happy Thanksgiving, and we'll see you for shopping on December 3!!!