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October 3, 2002

Plans for the Canaan trip are under way! If you're still interested in the trip, let me know! otherwise, those participating will get an individual email regarding details and plans.

Upcoming Activities:
Canaan Valley Getaway - 10/11 - 10/13!

Adventure Pursuits is looking for a volunteer coordinator, and 1 or 2 people to be on the triathalon planning and management committee. The event is July 5, 2003, and planning meetings will be once/month beginning in January, stepping up to twice/month from May to July.  Contact Kim Clancy at adventurepursuit@hotmail.com if you can help!

Connect West Virginia is looking for USED VIDEOCASSETTES for a safety program they are developing. Contact Sandy at connectwvwd@juno.com if you're interested!

Look for more information as Local Motives helps gather items for,assemble, and distribute "blizzard boxes" with the Volunteer Action Center. We will be needing both people and donations, so stay tuned...

Local Motives may also be assisting wtih local holiday lights projects, and is looking for design ideas and people to help.  Let me know if you're interested in this event to get you in the holiday spirit!

And finally, we've decided to decorate a 4 ft Christmas tree for the December 6, 2002 Festival of Lights fundraiser for the Easter Seals at the Blennerhasset Hotel. We're looking for theme ideas, as well as any lights, decorations, tree topper, or skirt that could be donated! Categories will be Children's, Country, Victorian, Religious, Most Original, Homemade Decorations, and Best Wreath or Wall tree.   Tree setup will be november 9th - 14th, so time is running out fast!  Get creative!!!